Border settlement
The arrangement of the border is to determine the course of the boundary of the plot...
Land marking
At the request of the owner of the plot, the boundary is marked in nature with the milestones on the basis...
Regularization of borders
In the process of balancing the border, the boundaries between two or more plots are offset, if the owner...
The parcel is the merger of several parcels into one or the division of one parcel into several plots.
The merger of plots is the creation of one parcel from...
Building Cadastre
- Registration of the land under the building
- Entering the building in the building cadastre
Geodetic plan
The geodetic plan is to present the actual state of the terrain in the area of the plot, and according to the law 25 meters wide around this plot. It contains data on relief, water...
Facilitation of facilities
In the process of marking ground, on the ground mark or Appropriately mark the location of the building in accordance with...
Assessment leight facilities
Sometimes this was said to be an expropriation, nowadays known as the measurement of longitudinal objects, in which...
Role in the collection cadastre of the economic public infrastructure
The assessment of public utility lines is carried out on the basis of the Rules (OJ RS No 9/2004 and Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia No. 56/2005), which...