Building Cadastre
The type of land use changes according to the current situation.
A change in the type of use is a change in cultural land use (for example, agricultural land or vice versa).
It is carried out in almost every geodetic measurement, such as subdivision, recording of land under the building and expropriations.
Registration of the land under the building
Upon completion of the construction, the building in the procedure is determined by the land underneath it (it is recorded in the land cadastre with coordinates and with the area of land under the building and with the identification code of the building).
Entry / change of building in the building cadastre
Obtaining data from the Surveying and Mapping Authority. Measuring the floor plan (buildings, balconies and stairs in the air) and characteristic heights of the building, the lowest point of the building, the height of the entrance, the height of the drops and ridge, calculations of the coordinates and heights.
The building cadastre includes the preparation of a study for the entry of a building into the building cadastre - the layouts of each storey and the side rises of the entire building, the numbering of parts of the building, area, purpose and possibly ownership. Filling out a questionnaire - a list of the building (the request of the Surveying and Mapping Authority). Required powers (a copy of the sales contract) and minutes of the hearing.
We provide services for all types of houses, blocks, high-rise buildings, commercial and industrial buildings.